
  Lee Ha-yeon is the wife of the heir to Ilsin Group and she has it all: a fancy penthouse, a luxury car and everything else. Lee Ha-yeon gets discovered poisoned and dead in a hotel room. Investigations take place under secrecy and out of ears from the media. But the case is mysterious. No prints of the murderer is found in the hotel room. There are not signs of broken entry either. If it was suicide, then why did she kill herself? If it was murder, then why would anyone kill her? The people around her are suspects. Lee Ha-yeon had a distant sister named Lee Ha-jeong. She's a reporter of a magazine and she has a camera that's so precious. She gets involved with the investigation to unsolve the mystery to her sister's death. Then the shocking truths uncover...it turns out that Lee Ha-yeon had been having porn chats online. It's shocking to find out that the daughter-in-law of a powerful and wealthy plutocrat family has been doing this. Her porn videos were also going around. Then there are the statements from the men she met online that she'd been sexually involved with them several times. Lee Ha-yeon was a quiet lady during the day but a sexual one at night. However, Ha-jeong reveals everything one by one. She finds out that Jae-gyu had been pressurizing Ha-yeon and there's a dark shadow that's been trying to get rid of her. In the end, Ha-jeong stands in front of the dark shadow but there's nothing to protect her. Only her camera. Ha-jeong has to uncover the truth behind her sister's tragic death and put her own life on the line.


  • 斛乐家 4小时前 :

    达妹都演妈妈了让我有种不真实的感觉 You just have you, how scary and how amazing. 喜欢这句

  • 接访烟 6小时前 :


  • 岳帅凝然 0小时前 :

    三星半 被97年自导自演的男主帅到了 不得不说挺有才的 但故事稍显平淡了一点点 虽然其实也不需要什么大的高潮 但还是太平淡了 最让人心疼的是他们最后一次在车里见面 她和他都知道以后可能见不到了 我直接代入进去了 这种心情在一个下雨天该怎么缓解 想想都难受 不过不得不说 没想到生了孩子的少妇 也挺迷人的

  • 劳俊明 0小时前 :


  • 卜斯雅 8小时前 :


  • 岳帅灵凡 7小时前 :


  • 勇以蕊 0小时前 :

    男主too good to be real!为什么我们生活里没有这样的男的!!!换我我也会像Domino一样忍不住备胎他!!!!(bushi (请勇敢地做温柔的人!好人有好报!!!!

  • 奇勇捷 9小时前 :

    Andrew is really a sweetheart,爱情就像黑巧克力,丝滑苦涩又透出些甜蜜

  • 凡振 1小时前 :


  • 卫炼宽 3小时前 :


  • 冬婷 8小时前 :


  • 帆涵 3小时前 :


  • 仵和宜 9小时前 :

    自编自导自演,Cooper Raiff这位新人有点意思,处理情感那股子细腻,好温柔好舒服。达妹也比『五十度灰』那会儿舒服太多,属于她的上升期来了。

  • 巧春梅 2小时前 :


  • 宜绮美 8小时前 :

    虽然又是一部女性角色帮助男性角色成长的电影,但是毕竟是自导自演,男主角太可爱了。he‘s a 10 but…no but…he is a 10!

  • 性妮娜 3小时前 :


  • 但永言 7小时前 :


  • 慎新立 7小时前 :

    不难看 只是有点Plain 反复讲过的小清新故事搭配上一些音乐也并不会特别 but 达妹真的好piupiu!!!

  • 仲妙菡 2小时前 :

    年龄从来不是借口 不是让人变得麻木 暗淡无光的借口 每一个人都在用自己的方式爱着身边的人 “谢谢你保护我的家人”他没有责备和咆哮 而是平静的说出这句话 真让人动容…

  • 奈问寒 9小时前 :

    快乐白人顺直男大电影,养养可爱又乖巧的弟弟,同时dating两个对象,当派对策划师和非营利组织成员,找工作会谷歌“job plz”,好快乐的白男人生


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