惋惜地造句 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 欧美综艺 1996

导演: Matthew Gyves


  BBC最新纪录片,讲述地球的力量如何改变了人类的历史。2010年1月19日首播,共播出了5集:'Water','Deep Earth', 'Wind', 'Fire','Human Planet'。节目中,Iain Stewart教授带领观众探究几个世纪以来,地质学、地理学和气候是如何影响人类生活的。
  Iain Stewart tells the epic story of how the planet has shaped our history. With
  spectacular images, surprising stories and a compelling narrative, the series discovers the central role played in human history by four different planetary forces.
  Episode 1: Water
  Professor Iain Stewart continues his epic exploration of how the planet has shaped human history. This time he explores our complex relationship with water. Visiting spectacular locations in Iceland, the Middle East and India, Iain shows how control over water has been central to human existence. He takes a precarious flight in a motorised paraglider to experience the cycle of freshwater that we depend on, discovers how villagers in the foothills of the Himalayas have built a living bridge to cope with the monsoon, and visits Egypt to reveal the secret of the pharaohs' success. Throughout history, success has depended on our ability to adapt to and control constantly shifting sources of water.
  Episode 2: Deep Earth
  Iain Stewart tells the epic story of how the planet has shaped our history. With spectacular images, surprising stories and a compelling narrative, the series discovers the central role played in human history by four different planetary forces. In this first episode, Iain explores the relationship between the deep Earth and the development of human civilisation. He visits an extraordinary crystal cave in Mexico, drops down a hole in the Iranian desert and crawls through seven-thousand-year-old tunnels in Israel. His exploration reveals that throughout history, our ancestors were strangely drawn to fault lines, areas which connect the surface with the deep interior of the planet. These fault lines gave access to important resources, but also brought with them great danger.
  Episode 3: Wind
  Professor Iain Stewart continues his epic exploration of how the planet has shaped human history. Iain sets sail on one of the fastest racing boats ever built to explore the story of our turbulent relationship with the wind. Travelling to iconic locations including the Sahara desert, the coast of West Africa and the South Pacific, Iain discovers how people have exploited the power of the wind for thousands of years. The wind is a force which at first sight appears chaotic. But the patterns that lie within the atmosphere have shaped the destiny of continents, and lie at the heart of some of the greatest turning points in human history.
  Episode 4: Fire
  Professor Iain Stewart continues his epic exploration of how the planet has shaped human history. Iain explores man's relationship with fire. He begins by embarking on an extraordinary encounter with this terrifying force of nature - a walk right through the heart of a raging fire. Fire has long been our main source of energy and Iain shows how this meant that the planet played a crucial role in Britain's industrial revolution, whilst holding China's development back. Along the way he dives in a mysterious lake in Oregon, climbs a glacier of salt, crawls through an extraordinary cave in Iran and takes a therapeutic bath in crude oil.
  Episode 5: Human Planet
  Series in which Professor Iain Stewart looks at how four geological forces have shaped human history. He explores the most recently established force, humans. It's easy to think of the human impact on the planet as a negative one, but as Iain discovers, this isn't always the case. It is clear that humans have unprecedented control over many of the planet's geological cycles; the question is, how will the human race use this power?


  • 淡醉冬 4小时前 :


  • 程力夫 3小时前 :


  • 栋逸 6小时前 :

    3/4/2022 unnecessary long 运镜灯光走位👍

  • 郜海亦 1小时前 :

    评分这么低吗,我一个对罗朱相关作品趋于苛刻的观众都觉得还可以啊,这个完成度和choreography对得起《西区故事》了。向来对斯皮尔伯格无感,但不得不说真稳啊!摄影编排和原版的对应度都挺高的。就罗朱的故事再看100遍还是觉得damn you Shakespeare for breaking my heart!(又超字数了🤷‍♀️fine

  • 骏振 5小时前 :

    原作就不是什么”珠玉“,事实上老版电影在平衡舞台感和电影媒介上做的非常失败,Spielberg明显注意到了这点,所以在新版上不仅修改了编舞的调度和细节使之更适合大荧幕,也在cinematography上下足了功夫。Mise-en-scene相对于老版的丰富其实也一定程度上体现了电影工业的发展。然而影片本身也只是三星水平(原作放在现在来看是比较overrated 的musical),好在casting拉回来了一把:虽然Ansel Elgort不出所料很拉垮,但Rachel Zegler的唱功简直惊艳;Ariana DeBose在The Prom时期就很有亮点,到了Anita这个全剧最出彩的角色上,她更是如鱼得水。本片邀请了老版Anita的扮演者Rita Moreno回来助阵,更是安排了一首solo,在情怀上倒是诚意满满。Overall,如果不带着包袱与滤镜,这个版本的”西区“确实不算差。

  • 裕骞 0小时前 :


  • 锦婷 8小时前 :

    Having the leading actor looking like Jimmy, I really don’t know what to think and what to feel. This is so odd. Is this progress? I am so confused. #颜狗的困惑

  • 辰铭 3小时前 :


  • 星福 9小时前 :

    而深思人物之间的情感,与其说托尼与玛丽亚的爱情是主线,倒不如说他俩才是表象情感。更深的情感则是那几个男人的,这并非腐眼看人基,而是稍微思索几秒钟便能意识到这是顺性别(白人)直男为自己打造的“Men for men”的环境,同时也是一个枷锁。所以到最后奇诺的行为既“合理”也落了俗。

  • 栋逸 8小时前 :

    The mafia musical happy ending ver. Romeo & Juliet. The choreography of the dance shows that the actors have worked hard to practice dance BUT not the main characters FFS

  • 植访文 2小时前 :

    PS :Ansel Elgort已成为美国黄晓明,甚至更油

  • 锦柏 2小时前 :


  • 绍香卉 8小时前 :


  • 谷梁晓凡 0小时前 :

    “Tonight”一唱响就忍不住跟着哼唱 ┃ 60年前的“Anita”丽塔·莫雷诺一点儿也看不出90岁了,顶多60多岁的样子 ┃ 期待伯恩斯坦传记片早日问世

  • 舒志勇 1小时前 :


  • 淡歆美 7小时前 :


  • 珠涵 3小时前 :


  • 汗奇玮 3小时前 :

    其实也还行,无论是导演、卡司,还是视听语言调度,和1961年的电影版相比都得到了升级。然而,就算导演再会拍,演员们演得再给力,这也无法掩盖这电影的本质:这世上大多数的一见钟情,更多的是见色起意,这不过又是另一部白人视角下的《苏丝黄的世界》而已。也因此,让Ansel Elgort这个Rapist、欧美吴X凡来演男主也就不奇怪了。🙄

  • 贵瑞绣 7小时前 :


  • 谷林 6小时前 :

    雖然你殺了我哥 但是當晚我依舊要睡你


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